USA & International Shipping
- Orders are typically shipped within 24-48 hours of receipt.
- We offer flat rate shipping to most orders in the U.S.A. (excluding some marketplace sellers & products).
- Most orders over $49 will ship free to U.S. addresses, VIP members received discounts up to 100% free shipping with no minimums.
- Tracking numbers will be provided for most orders, while smaller orders like single-tuck razor blades or samples may be shipped via regular mail without tracking.
- For flat rate shipping, we utilize USPS and UPS for U.S. shipping based on rates and transit times.
- Orders placed after 10 am on Saturday will ship on Sunday/Monday.
International Orders:
- First time orders from customers outside USA will be emailed our international shipping terms prior to releasing your order. You must agree that you've read & agree to our policy (see below) before your item is shipped.
- International shipping rates are calculated based on order value.
- Orders up to $49.99 USD have variable shipping rates, while orders of $50 or more USD have a flat rate of $20.
- Alcohol-based products cannot be shipped overseas.
- We are not responsible for shipping delays or customs duties/VAT taxes.
- Shipping costs will not be refunded for orders returned due to unpaid VAT/customs fees.
- Products containing alcohol cannot be shipped outside USA. We can custom make alcohol-free based products (such as EDP) on request.
International Orders & Insurance:
- We provide 100% insurance coverage for international packages against loss.
- If your package is lost or damaged, we can file a claim and either refund you or ship a replacement. We unfortunately can't refund/exchange lost international packages until an insurance claim has been filed within the policy period.
- The insurance window is between 60 and 120 days.
- Claims cannot be filed before 60 days or after 120 days.
- Please notify us of missing shipments within 120 days to be eligible for a refund.
Save on International Shipping worldwide from the USA with MyUS
We have partnered with MyUS, the No. 1 international shipping service to Murphy and McNeil to our international customers more economically. With MyUS, you will be assigned a U.S.-based address where your package can be shipped by US retailers for processing straight to your home country.
With MyUS, you are given a U.S. based address that Murphy and McNeil will ship to free. From there, you will work with MyUS to receive your package at the rates/terms you have with MyUS. You can use your MyUS address with ANY retailer.
MyUS uses trusted delivery services like FedEx, UPS and DHL to ensure you receive your merchandise in the shortest amount of time.
Get estimated pricing from USA to your Country HERE
To get started:
- Sign up with MyUS and get your MyUS address to use at checkout
- Shop online at US stores, and have your packages sent to your MyUS address
- MyUS will let you know when you package has arrived and allow you to create a shipment request for all your purchases
- Your shipments will arrive at your door in 2-4 business days
If you are ordering multiple items, be sure to select the "Premium Membership" for greatest savings!