Seller: Murphy & McNeil Pre-Owned Shaving
Condition: Used
Condition: Used
Condition: Pre-owned in good condition (see options & photos)
The geometry of each plate is as follows (choose from currently available options only):
- AA - gap = 0.47mm / exposure = negative 0.07mm
- A - gap = 0.60mm / exposure = negative 0.02mm
- B - gap = 0.73mm / exposure = zero
- C - gap = 0.85mm / exposure = positive 0.09mm
- D - gap = 0.98mm / exposure = positive 0.13mm
- E - gap = 1.10mm / exposure = positive 0.17mm
- F - gap = 1.23mm / exposure = positive 0.22mm
- G - gap = 1.36mm / exposure = positive 0.25mm
Blade gap (the space under the cutting edge), blade exposure (how far the cutting edge is sticking out), blade angle (the angle of the cutting edge relative to the razor), and blade support (how well the cutting edge is supported) all contribute to aggressiveness and performance.
Sold and Shipped By: Murphy & McNeil Pre-Owned Shaving
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